Experience the Work of Spiritual Direction


Few things are as helpful in someone's spiritual development as having a place where they can safely consider experiences, thoughts, beliefs, doubts and feelings without the fear of judgment, advice, or misunderstanding. Spiritual Direction is a conversation that is intended to create just such a safe place. In Spiritual Direction, it is assumed that God is at work in the life of each person in significant ways, and that reflecting on what is going on in each one of us can be very helpful in the process of spiritual growth.

Why is this conversation called Spiritual "Direction"?

It is called "direction" not because the director will discern what is going on and tell the one seeking direction what they should do. Instead, "direction" refers to the Spiritual Director drawing attention to where it seems that God is moving. This is done primarily through reflecting what the Director notices in the conversation.

What is the role of the "Director"?

The primary relationship in Direction is between the one seeking direction and the Spirit of God. The Director simply attempts to facilitate that interaction by providing a safe space for the Spirit of God to work.

Why would I come to Spiritual Direction?

Some people seek spiritual direction because they have a decision to make and they want to be aided in discerning where the Lord is leading. Others come because their spiritual lives seem stuck—what used to help them grow is not working any more. Others come because they have heard that Spiritual Direction can open up new areas of spiritual development, and they want all that God might have for them. The best way to decide if you are at a place where direction could be of help is to find a Spiritual Director and try it a few times.

How could reflecting on what God is doing in your life not be worth exploring?